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Pixie Cut

By 08:01 , , , , ,

Here is me about 5 months ago when I got my hair all cut off! So, the pixie cut. Honestly it's one of them hair cuts you need the balls for, I had natural long hair before this. So you're probably thinking why would I do that! Well I made the mistake many teenagers do, I home bleached my hair. My hair was completely dead and dry, so I thought instead of living with horrible dry hair that was a nightmare to style, I got this Pixie hair cut.

I must say at first I loved it! My hair was healthy and glowing and took no time to wash and dry. So overall after years of dying my hair reds, blacks, pinks and purples having this hair cut was by far the best thing for it! However now its starting to grow out I don't know what to do, its too long to go into the short pixie cut, but too short to be a bob or to ever tie up.

Overall, if you're hair is extremely damaged from years of home hair dye and you like this look then I say go for it, you will walk out the hair dressers with a completely new look and lovely healthy hair! My hair is growing back strong, thick and absolutely no dead ends (probably because I haven't needed the straighter in so long) 

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